
Advocacy Central

PALA advocates for providers and residents of Pennsylvania at the State Capitol
and in Washington, DC

Help Request Funding to Support PCHs Serving SSI Recipients!
PALA Members and friends, we need your help! With the state budget process underway, elected officials will be faced with making critical decisions that may or may not impact Personal Care Homes and Assisted Living Residences.  The hard truth is that Personal Care Homes are closing in Pennsylvania. Many of these PCHs served the low income and Supplement Security Income (SSI) residents. An increase in SSI funding that will directly support those communities struggling to care for low-income seniors is a must. Please consider asking members of the PA House and Senate to include an SSI increase in the 2024-2025 budget! It takes less than one minute to make your voice heard. Scan below to send a message to lawmakers now!

Contact your legislator and let them know: Seniors need Support!

Who is your state legislator?

Use this link to determine who your legislators are. Please contact them and let them know that you would like to be a resource for them on issues pertaining to assisted living and personal care. Many legislators need to be educated on the differences and the services provided by Assisted Living Residences and Personal Care Homes. PALA can help you to advocate with your legislators. Contact the office for more information.

Pennsylvania General Assembly

Your Key State Legislators

Josh Shapiro

Judy Ward

Senate Aging & Youth
Committee Chair

Website for Chairman Ward

Senate Aging Committee Website

Dr. Val Arkoosh

Jason Kavulich

Secretary Jason Kavulich
Department of Aging

Secretary of Aging Website

Dr. Debra Bogen

Secretary of Health
Department of Health

Department of Health Leadership

Department of Health Website

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